QRadar user group





It’s the place to be if you work with QRadar or are about to start your journey. As a participant you will connect with experts in the area and get answers to your biggest concerns on detecting and stopping advanced threats, insider threats, compliance and your cloud strategy. In addition, you will be able to build relations with colleagues in your region. The goal is to make a regional community where QRadar technologists will share experiences, solve challenges together and stay updated on what’s new. So if you are an analyst, architect, operator or an incident responder you should prioritize these 90 minutes and get real value to your day to day work with QRadar.

On this first meeting we are happy to announce our  key speaker, Chris Meenan. Chris is Director, Threat Management Offering and Strategy at IBM UK. Those of us that have attended his presentations before knows that he is a true security enthusiast and an inspiring technical presenter. He will talk about a challenge many of us are facing; How to integrate QRadar towards the ever changing Microsoft Security solutions. In addition we will get the latest update on the QRadar roadmap.



  • Chris Meenan
    Director, Threat Management Offering and Strategy, IBM UK
  • Terje Olsen
    MSS Manager, Pedab Norway
  • Henning Gaalaas
    Sales Director, Security Division, Pedab